Essay writing tips For RBI Grade B Phase II
Prepare proper strategy comprising simple techniques and tips to cover complete descriptive or essay writing challenge. Though it’s not easy at first, but if hard work is done, then it will be easy to write an essay with grate ease. For a good and meaningful essay first of all correct the grammatical mistakes, note the structure of points, should have good knowledge about topic on which the essay is to be written and should have decent vocabulary, in short one should have knowledge of English grammar and should have strong vocabulary so that a meaningful essay can be written in limited words and time provided.
To correct Grammar is not a big deal just put words of an essay in right way so that it makes a meaningful or watchful sentence. It is necessary to keep in mind nine tenses including singular and plural forms and different situation. For structure of points organize points in the correct sequence of occurrence for this use logic of your own. Generally topics covered under Descriptive English paper covers Current Affairs including current happenings in politics, international affairs, sports, moral or ethical issues, etc., thought of Great leaders, Freedom Fighters, Mahatma Gandhi, The environment – pollution, conservation, etc., Development, Banks in rural areas, Nuclear weapons- Advantages and Disadvantages, Virtual Workplace, Health insurance and wealth, Education and technology, Peace and India, Political relations of India with neighbor countries and world, Growth and inflation, Travel and tourism in India, The RBI, Economic issues, The internet- pros and cons, Technology- pros and cons etc. Not much is required to write in this part, prepare essay with the points in mind. Building great vocabulary is not required if one can construct as decent sentence with good words. Words selection matters in building a good vocabulary. To expand vocabulary talk in English, ask question to yourself and find the right word to complete sentence, take mock test Daily, read English newspaper with a bit loud sound so that one can hear the proper pronunciation of the word read, and listen BBC News, note the difficult words and search online or in dictionary to know the meaning of the same. Take help of grammarly app to make sentences and complete the sentences which will help in making correct sentences.
Before attempting to write spend 3-4 minutes, think and gather thoughts for the topic and frame points in mind. These points will help to build content of an essay. Give introduction which the starting line of an essay and should begin with stating problem. Limit the introduction part to 100-150 words. Once introduction is given write ‘history’ or track record for the given topic. Then next write about how it has evolved and grown to today, today existence and the present scenario. After this write another description for the body of the topic. Now write about the body for an essay. Write the points which were kept in mind before writing the topic were toughed. Body will include introduction itself. Start writing about the points kept in mind and describe them wisely and in the correct order so that the essay will be meaningful and sensible. Also write pros and cons of the points written in a systematic way. At the end of essay don’t forget to write conclusion. Conclusion is the summary of an essay and solution are suggested to the problem. In this paragraph one should mention all points which are written in body related to the topic and then provide the solutions to the existing problems in body. The solutions provided may be of various types such as partial solution where the given solutions are negatives that are mentioned in the body and another type of solution is a whole solution, where the topic itself is a problem. And lastly the last sentence should be an advice which should be a general statement. The essay should be mentioned applicable general statement which will sum up the given topic.
Read the written essay once again carefully for any spelling, punctuation or grammatical error and correct the errors accordingly. The best way to score in the exam is regular study and practice which is the key for writing a good essay.
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